Say hello to Teesside’s newest branding + design agency

Studio Resolve has been born out of a passion to do great work for great causes, but also founder Beccy’s desire to create a great design studio with an unbeatable culture.

The design industry has a reputation for burn out, long hours, unpaid overtime and unrealistic, pressing deadlines. We want to be part of an influx of new creative agencies that prioritise people and culture over the bottom line. We want to invest in people, make sure they’re fulfilled and provide them with work they can really call their own.

“I’ve learnt a lot over the past 15 years about which leadership styles have benefitted me, and which ones haven’t, so it'll be time to put all that learning into action. Here’s just a few ways I’ll make sure I’m practicing what I like to call ‘healthy leadership’”

I want to…

👣 Stamp out perfectionism. Why? This might seem like an odd one, but in my opinion perfectionism serves no-one, not even your clients. It might appear admirable, but in reality perfectionism is a symptom of anxiety; I’d much rather my staff felt relaxed at work knowing the aim is just to enjoy creating interesting and engaging work.

❌ Welcome failure. Why? This one’s a hard one for me but I actually totally agree with it. A failure, mistake or miscommunication teaches us a lesson and it’s that lesson that allows us to improve the way we do things. You've just got to swallow your pride. We progress because we’ve failed and that can only be a good thing. So, if we don’t win a pitch, disappoint a client or miss a deadline, we’ll aim to take it on the chin but proactively learn from it.

🤔 Not hand out answers and solutions. Why? It’s counter-productive. Yes it’s quicker and easier for you in the short-term, but it prevents employees from feeling empowered and confident in their work in the long-run. Creatives working at Studio Resolve will own their projects seeing them through from inception to delivery.

👬 Make sure communication is 2-way. Why? This one sounds obvious but sometimes it’s so easy to get wrapped up in what you want to say, you forget to listen. You might make ill-informed decisions without knowing all the facts or get the wrong end of the stick.

How do you think leaders in the creative industry should be behaving?


"Leave no trace"