We’re certified carbon literate

Buy an electric car. Don't buy an electric car. Don't eat meat. Do eat meat. Don't use plastic. Do use plastic. Recycle. Don't bother! Trying to go green can really give you the blues!!!

To cut out all the waffle and misinformation, our founder, Beccy, decided to embark on becoming officially carbon literate, with The Carbon Literacy Project; a certification we’re pleased to announce she has now attained.

“I've loved the process of learning new things (it felt like I was back at university!) and feel really confident moving forwards that I can make some really impactful changes to the way I do business, but to my own life too. As part of becoming carbon literate, you must make two pledges to do things differently. They MUST create a significant impact e.g. you can't just switch the lightbulbs in your house and say you've made a change; it has to be two substantial changes.”

Beccy has pledged to...

🌍 ...only place print orders for recycled stock, never onto virgin fibres.

According to paper manufacturer, Arjowiggins, "manufacturing one tonne of 100% recycled paper emits 38% less CO2 than paper produced from virgin fibres. The emissions saved is the equivalent to driving from Paris to Moscow in the average European car."

🥕 ...eat a planet-based diet 25% of the time.

Eating a fully plant-based diet 100% of the time saves 0.8 tonnes of CO2 equivalent a year.  If I pledge to make sure that 25% of my meals are plant-based, I'd be saving 0.2 tonnes of CO2 a year. This equates to 200kg of CO2.

If you'd prefer to work with a design agency that's trying hard to be better, get greener and is using business as a force for good, then we'd love to collaborate with you.

You can be part of the B-Corp movement too.

Send Beccy a message at beccy@studioresolve.co.uk


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